Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November Meeting Minutes

JuvLC  11-17-13 Meeting Minutes

  • Julia is officially the new secretary, lol!
  • Fr. Richard has graciously agreed to let us do fundraising at OLPS in the form of a bake sale!!!  Danielle's in charge of coordinating that.
  • We have a $1000 (at least) goal for fundraising for M4L (March for Life) (for which the deadline by which to get $ in is Jan. 5).
  •      --Chik-Fil-A fundraiser is a go!  We have only to set a date, which will probably be some near Tuesday.  It'd also be cool if we can do this fundraiser a second time.
  • Somebody came up with the fantastic idea to get a JuvLC banner! that we can bring to cool things (like M4L, Chartres, etc.) and represent with.  Paul is in charge of getting a banner together.
  • Julia's gonna make corrections with the JuvLC meeting prayers.

 Next Meeting: December 8, so heads up!!!

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