Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meeting Agenda for Sunday

1.      Reminder of upcoming events:
a.       Canoe Trip
b.      Book Study
c.       Tennis
2.      Holy Hour Update
3.      T-shirt Update
4.      Julia Falgoust will propose a pilgrimage to Washington D.C. for the March for Life.
5.      Reminder of what is expected of active Juventutem Members:
a.       Definition of an Active Member = someone who takes part physically and not only in spirit in the activities of a Juventutem chapter.
b.      Spiritual Committments:
                                                              i.      Every Day: pray for the sanctification of youth, especially for other members of Juventutem.
                                                            ii.      Every Week: enter a church or oratory at least once to adore Our Lord present in the tabernacle. This may be any day and it may be during Mass as well.
                                                          iii.      Every Year:
1.      Hearing Holy Mass in the extraordinary form at least once
2.      Going to Confession at least once
3.      Taking part in some Juventutem activity
(If there is any question about this, please feel free to ask)
6.      Christina Tina Lena Orsot will propose that we adopt an apologetic-style catechesis program 

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